Meet the NIRAS team
The current faculty would like to thank the inspiring work of the outgoing faculty for the founding and running of NIRAS. Many thanks to Rosie, Lloyd, DJ and Michael.

Dr Sean Shevlin
Consultant Anaesthetist, Belfast. MB BCH BAO(hons) FRCA PGDip(ME) MSc(RA)
Sean completed a Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship in Belfast 2020. He has attained a post graduate diploma in medical education and the Masters in Regional Anaesthesia UEA. He combines his passion for Regional Anaesthesia with Medical Education and Research.

Dr Catherine Poots
Consultant Anaesthetist, Belfast MB BCH BAO FRCA
Catherine is a consultant anaesthetist in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. She completed a post-CCT fellowship in regional anaesthesia and pain management through the University of Toronto at Toronto Western and Women’s College Hospitals. She is currently completing a Masters in Clinical Education through Queen’s University Belfast. In addition to regional anaesthesia her special interests also include vascular anaesthesia and medical education.

Dr Peter Merjavy
Immediate Past President
Consultant Anaesthetist, Craigavon. MD PhD EDRA CETC
Peter completed the European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia in 2008 and was awarded his PhD in 2011. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia for the MSc in Regional Anaesthesia and an examiner for the European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia.

Dr Ryan Sykes
Consultant Anaesthetist, Belfast. MB BCh BAO FRCA EDRA
Ryan is a consultant in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. He completed a fellowship in regional anaesthesia in Belfast. Ryan attained the European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia. He has particular interest in the role of regional anaesthesia in management of trauma patients

Dr Jonathan McCarter
Consultant Anaesthetist, Belfast. MB BCH BAO FRCA PGCMedEd
Jonathan is a Consultant Anaesthetist employed in the Belfast trust. He completed a regional anaesthesia fellowship in 2021 and has a specialist interest in trauma and orthopaedic anaesthesia. He has attained a post graduate certificate in medical education and is the webmaster for the Northern Ireland Regional Anaesthesia Society.

Dr Jacek Sobocinski
Consultant Anaesthetist, Craigavon.